Dickens, Charles 1812-1870

Nicholas Nickleby Charles Dickens ; introduction and notes by Arthur Cañder-Marshall - London : Pan Books Ltd., 1968. - 784 p. ; 18 cm. - (Bestsellers of Literature) .

"Althoug earlysucces opened the doors of Londo´s literacy and artistic circles, Dickens remained the champion of the underdog. In Nicholas Nickleby the maltreated children of cheap boarding schools became a living, breathing scandal that awoke his readers to the need for humans reforms. But Nicholas Nickleby is more than social crussade, it is a rich entertaining spectacle embracing a warmth and humoursecond only to Pickwick. A romantic heroand pretty heroine triumph over vice and villainy amid a wealth of unforgettable characters: the rapacious Squeers, the extravagant ;Mantalini, and an exuberant cast of Thespiana who led by Vincent Crummles personify the lords of the blood and flea pits. Ever since the first monthly instalment sold 50,000 copies oin publications day, March 31. 1838, its unflagging pace and broad comedy has continued to delight readers of every day and age." contraportada.

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Literatura inglesa
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Londres (Inglaterra)

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