Koehler, Wilhelm,

Rembrandt : (1606-1669) Wilhelm Koehler - New York : Harry N. Abrams, 1953. - 50 p. : il. ; 18 cm.

Illustrations selected by the Editorial staff

"Holland´s greatest painter, Rembrandt was born in 1966 and achieved early renown and riches in his profession. The sobering reversal of his fortunate -the death of his wife, bankruptcy, increasing loneliness- only served to deepen and enrich hist art. With a power and breadth of vision- as well as a humility- never before attained in painting, he gave majesty to suffering humanity and proclaimed its enduring espirituality. The more that fifty pages of illustrations in this volume constitute and extraordinaruily rich and varfied exhibition of Rembrandt´s greatest works: portratits and sel-portraits, landscapes, biblicalscenes, etching, drawings. Thirty pages are in full color; six of the color plates are dpuble-page size. The drawings and etchings are reproduced in a special dou-tone process which captures the vitality of Rembrandt´s line. A unique feature of this volumeis the double-page color plate of the famous Night Watch. The painting, recently cleaned of its three-cenmtury accumulaton of dirt and varnish, now stands revealed in its freshness and jewel-like colors." contraportada

Rembrandt, Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1606-166


750 / K71