Werner, Alfred, 1911 1979

Raoul Dufy (1877-1953) Alfred Werner - New York : Harry N. Abrams, 1953. - [32] p. ; il. col. ; 18 cm. - (The pocket library of great art ; A5) .

"This volume, the first to review Dufy's career since his death in 1953 and the only on in English recretaes all the vivid pageantry of his carefree world. Today his race-track and yachting scenes, fetes and sparkling views of the French Riviera evoke a pre war atmosphere that seems remote from a preocuppied world. A fine stylist. Dufy has a secure place in the forefornt of modern art. He once said: "My eyes were made to efface that which is ugly." No art of our time has been more joyously dedicated to this purpose, nor proved more captivating. Onver fifty pages of reproduction present a rich survey of Dufy's engaging art, from his early "Fauve" painting to those completed shortly before his death. " contraportada.

Dufy, Raoul, 1877-1953


750 / W47